A new distance-aware broadcasting algorithm was proposed to enhance the propagation distance in the latency time of safetyrelated\nmessage broadcasting. The IEEE 802.11p standard states that if the medium is detected as idle, a station would defer its\ntransmission within a backoff time to avoid collisions with other stations.The backoff times follow uniform distribution over [0,\nCW]. In this way, fairness among all the stations can be guaranteed. However, propagation distance was ignored and in safetyrelated\nmessage broadcasting fairness is not the most important issue. In the proposed algorithm, the lengths of backoff times\nare generated from a nonuniform distribution.They are related with the distances between the source station and its forwarding\nstations.The farthest forwarding station has the highest probability to forwardmessages. Performance of the proposed algorithmis\nanalyzed by using a 2D Markov chain. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can enhance\nthe performance of safety-related message broadcasting in terms of propagation distance, which is reflected by the successful\ntransmission probability. The proposed algorithm does not need additional waiting time, RTS/CTS, and ACK, therefore having\nbetter compatibility with the IEEE 802.11p standard than earlier distance-aware algorithms